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2016 Annual Review — Celebrating What You Made Possible

2016 Annual Review

Thank you for what you did in 2016!

What you have accomplished by investing in the lives of the orphans and vulnerable children through ZOE’s empowerment program is difficult to fully express. The trauma they have survived in their short but difficult lives is chilling, but because of your love for them, they are experiencing true hope.

As you read through the 2016 Annual Review, we hope you will be blessed and encouraged by what God has done through your partnership in 2016. You have been an integral part of a distinctive empowerment program — impacting over 67,000 orphans and vulnerable young people in seven countries around the world.

So much was accomplished in 2016, but we look forward to the months and years ahead with even greater expectations of empowering tens of thousands of orphans and vulnerable children to move beyond charity.

Along with ZOE’s staff and volunteers around the world, you are part of a movement that isn’t about “us” and “them,” but about all of our lives becoming more full as we engage our hearts and our resources in this work. Together, we are ZOE.

— Gaston Warner, CEO