Antony Finds Strength in Generosity

Antony the butcher

“I’m so happy about where God has brought me, and I know there are many other children going through what I went through,” said Antony, now 24 years old. “I want to assist them so we can be empowered together.” On a hot, cloudless September day, outside the rural village of Thiraka, Kenya, four Zoe Empowers […]

How Fridah Became a Zoe Empowers Donor

Fridah becomes a donor

We asked why Fridah became a Zoe Empowers donor. She said, “I believe poverty is the behaviors, values and characters you’re forced into, like digging through garbage bins to find leftover food, being forced to dropout of school or not having a secure place to sleep at night. That took away my dignity. I want others to have the dignity I didn’t have.”

Mighty Moses: Life After ZOE

ZOE graduate from Kenya

Having the opportunity and capacity to learn at our leisure is a luxury and privilege we don’t think twice about it, when in reality, hundreds of millions of children living in poverty around the world are either dreaming about being able to attend school or lack the understanding that a better life is possible through education.

ZOE Children Donate $7,100: Margaret’s Story

“I am happy to give part of what God has blessed me with through ZOE. I am now empowered to help others in my community and beyond. I have learned that it is more blessed to give than to receive.”

ZOE Children Donate $7,100!

How do you measure empowerment? One powerful action taken this year by 510 young people in the Zoe Empowers Kenya program reveals what true empowerment means to ZOE.

We Are Grateful

ZOE Liberia

Gratitude brings humility. I will forever choke up each time I sit in front of a young man or young woman and watch their eyes light up as they express their gratitude.

ZOE and Malaria Prevention

Malaria is an awful disease, debilitating at best and fatal at worst, killing nearly half a million people worldwide each year. The children who enter ZOE’s empowerment program face this threat continually and many have lost their parents to the disease. Zoe Empowers joins others as part of a global movement seeking to eliminate this scourge. […]

Land Rights Matter

Kenyan Girl Looking out Window

“I give freely from my store to the children in my community but if they make it a habit, I will give them a job.” How Maggie found the strength to keep going is a miracle. After the death of her father, it seemed every day brought another hardship. First, it was simply getting enough […]